Friday, January 23, 2009

Favorite Pictures of 2008

As I was looking over a few of the pictures i've taken in the past year I thought I might make a random post of some of my favorite pictures. You can enlarge pictures by clicking on them if you wish to see more detail.

This house is across the road from where we live. Frost has replaced the leaves on these trees.

We look down on the old grainery which now houses Dawson Creek's museum.

I love flying near the puffy whites.

Night flying adds a whole new dimention to your views.

One of my puzles were made from this picture.

Dawson Creek sunset taken from my patio.

This was taken rear Bennett dam.

Bennett dam power station.

Bennett dam

My baby sitting at Dawson Creek airport.

Looking down on the town of Hudsons Hope. Population: 1000

A couple of moose making a run for it. This was taken approx. 4 miles north of Dawson Creek.

Bennett Dam agian.

Peace River near Hudsons Hope.

9:30 am sunrise in Dawson Creek.

Rocky Mountain range.

More rockies.

Can always use more cloud pics.

The wood frame building is a duplex that I am building. Notice the size compared to the houses around it. Maybe i designed it a little too big for the lot? :-)

Tumbler Ridge train tunnel

There is a train tunnel that runs through these mountains. This tunnel is 82 miles, ( 132 km.) long. The tunnel was used to transport coal from Tumbler Ridge B.C. to Prince George from 1983 to 2003. You can see the tunnel entrance in the clearing below.
You can view the pictures full size if you click on them.
Getting a little lower you can see the tracks leading up to the tunnel entrance.